Click on the button «PUBLISH» (located in the horizontal button bar). Here you need to fill a form. The form consists of 7 short sections:
Finally press «CONTINUE and wait until the system generate you a password. Then you are able to see your advert and make any corrections if any. When finished press «SUBMIT» and wait until you see the message «The advert was successfully published». Your offer will be active as soon as the administrator approves it (Adverts containing faults and/or information that assault people’s norms and moral beliefs will not be posted).
The «ACCESS CODE» will be send to you automatically via email and/or sms. Your advert will be posted for 40 days. If you do not update your advert before the end of the valid period then the advert is automatically deleted from the system when the period ends. Otherwise this period will be renewed.
2. Search
Click on the button “ADVANCED SEARCH”. Here you can search by limiting your search result to:
Type of motorcycle
Transmission and
Price (From/To)
Additionally a visitor can choose the motorcycle category that interest her/him and search for the motorcycle of her/his needs. This can be done by choosing the category from the vertical button bar. The more specific you are making your search the less offers will show up in the result.
3. Edit or Delete your offer
In the vertical button bar click on the button «EDIT OFFER». Enter the «ACCESS CODE» of your offer in the box and press «LOGIN». Here you can make changes to your offer. When you finish press «SUBMIT». Your offer will be active as soon as the administrator approves it.
To delete your offer simply click on «DELETE OFFER» in the bottom of the page